Christmas Performance 2024
Do you believe in Father Christmas? Years 2,3,4, 5 & 6 Christmas Performance
Do you believe in Father Christmas? Years 2,3,4, 5 & 6 Christmas Performance
The pupils were invited to take part in the Haslemere shop Christmas window display competition. We have been paired with Curated Living, and they kindly let the children decorate the window on the left hand side of the shop looking from the pavement. The competition winner is to be announced by the Parish of Haslemere on Sunday 1st December 2024.
As a team building and resilience exercise we sent our Year 4 children off into the wilderness to survive a night sleeping under the stars - and they loved it!
We aim to take Years 5 & 6 to a contrasting city location, every other year for their residential trip. Due to the pandemic we haven't been since 2018. Read on to find out more about our exciting adventure to the city Oxford...
World Mental Health Day-10th October 2022